

Center for 脑瘫 at UCLA

Why choose 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康 for cerebral palsy treatment?

我们的专家致力于改善儿童和成人脑瘫患者的功能. 我们是洛杉矶唯一一家对脑瘫患者进行终身评估和治疗的跨学科诊所.

Highlights of our program include:

Multispecialty care: Our team includes the expertise of orthopaedic surgeons,  interventional spine care specialists, nurse practitioners, 社会工作者, physical therapists and 神经外科医生. We also work closely with 神经学 和发育儿科,并可以根据需要通过皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校庞大的健康网络将患者转介到额外的服务.

Joint decision-making: We emphasize ability over disability. 我们的专家让患者参与决策过程,帮助他们设定并实现目标.

研究重点: 我们的研究参与使我们能够为患者提供开创性的新疗法. 所有的病人都接受专业人士的护理,他们都是该领域的顶尖专家, and eligible patients have access to clinical trial treatments.

Innovation and development: 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校的医生不断改进评估工具和治疗方案. 例如, 我们的团队开发了一种临床评估称为下肢选择性控制评估(SCALE). 该工具有助于评估痉挛性脑瘫患者的选择性自主运动控制.



我们的脑瘫专家在几个门诊环境中照顾患者. Areas of care include:


We run two outpatient clinics:

The Luskin Orthopaedic Insititute for Children 在洛杉矶: We evaluate children and young adults under 21 at this location.

UCLA Santa Monica Medical Center: 这个地方是一个终身诊所,我们评估和治疗所有年龄段的病人.

我们的专家对患者进行全面评估并制定治疗目标. 新患者预约包括生物力学评估和咨询: 

  • Orthopaedic surgeons
  • Physical medicine and rehabilitation specialists
  • Physical therapists


Kameron Gait and Motion Analysis Laboratory

每个病人都要去卡梅伦步态和运动分析实验室,对他们的运动能力进行全面评估. 这种步态分析使我们的脑瘫专家深入了解运动模式,以帮助指导治疗计划.

The gait analysis can take up to three hours. 它可能包括:

  • Clinical examination to measure muscle strength, flexibility and motor control
  • Electromyography (EMG), a diagnostic test that measures muscle and nerve function
  • 力板, 测量走路时身体对地面施加的力的工具, balancing or moving in any way
  • 运动分析 to measure joint motion and walking speed
  • Oxygen consumption measurement to calculate how much energy it takes to walk
  • 视频分析 to record your gait when walking without any assistive equipment

What is cerebral palsy?

Cerebral palsy (CP) is a developmental disorder. Each year, approximately 10,000 children are born with CP. 这是美国最常见的儿童运动障碍, 受影响约764人,000 children and adults. CP develops when brain damage occurs during fetal development, during or shortly after birth, 或者在婴儿期.

CP can look different in every patient. Depending on the location and extent of the brain injury, some people have barely noticeable symptoms, 而其他人的症状会严重影响他们的日常功能. In general, CP can affect:

  • Balance and coordination
  • Breathing and eating
  • Intellectual abilities
  • 学习能力
  • 电机控制
  • Speech and language
  • 愿景

Cerebral palsy treatments we offer

Not everyone with cerebral palsy requires ongoing treatment. Many people with the condition go to school, 不需要任何医疗干预的工作和社会活动. Others benefit from treatment to increase mobility in childhood, 有些人可能需要持续治疗肌肉僵硬(痉挛).


Tools to increase mobility: 我们可以提供各种非侵入性治疗来改善活动能力和整体功能. 佩戴牙套或使用辅助行走设备或轮椅等适应性设备可能是有效的治疗方法.

物理治疗: 患者可以与物理治疗师一起工作,以增加力量,灵活性和运动控制. Physical therapy usually includes in-office sessions, along with a prescribed set of exercises to complete at home.

Orthopaedic surgery: When children are growing, 他们应该由骨科医生跟踪监测他们的骨骼和关节发育, as well as muscle and motor function. Depending on a child’s gait and skeletal development, we may recommend surgeries to lengthen muscles or tendons, improve bone alignment or correct bone deformities.

We also offer multiple options for managing spasticity, including:

口服药物: We often start treatment with oral medicines. 许多不同的药物有助于减少干扰日常功能的痉挛运动.

Botulinum Toxin, such as Botox ® and Dysport® 直接注射到痉挛的肌肉中通过阻断神经和肌肉之间的传递来削弱它们. It works best when spasticity is a problem in only a few muscles. 例子包括注射到小腿以减少脚趾行走或腘绳肌以改善直立行走. 它用于全范围活动,当关节因肌肉缩短(挛缩)而无法活动时无效。. 注射肉毒杆菌毒素的预期效果通常持续四到六个月, 但它会导致长期的疤痕和虚弱,在那之后就不会消失. 虽然注射可能会重复,但我们尽量避免使用这种治疗方法.

Intrathecal baclofen pump: 外科医生将一个电池驱动的小泵放在病人躯干的皮肤下面. 这个泵将一种叫做巴氯芬的药物输送到脊髓周围的液体中, which relaxes muscles and relieves spasms. 这种泵最适合那些肌肉痉挛的病人. 它需要定期去诊所给泵注满药物.

Selective posterior rhizotomy: 在这个过程中,神经外科医生切除脊髓中的一部分感觉神经. 这就消除了导致痉挛的神经中的交流信号. 这种治疗通常是一个有效的选择,儿童可以走路,但有很多痉挛在他们的腿. 它也可能是有益的病人谁不走,但有痉挛干扰舒适, positioning and care.

Deep brain stimulation: 这种手术是治疗一些伴有不自主运动(肌张力障碍)的痉挛患者的一种方法, 舞蹈病, athetosis or choreoathetosis). 神经外科医生将发电机植入胸腔,并在大脑中植入电极. 发电机向电极发送小脉冲,以纠正导致不规则运动的大脑活动.


Our team provides the full spectrum of cerebral palsy care. We treat patients throughout their lifespan, 提供一系列提高生活质量和幸福感的治疗方法. 


艾琳·福勒 PhD, PT

Director, Kameron Gait and Motion Analysis Laboratory



金伯利Gilliam, Administrative Assistant

Administrative Assistant



玛西娅格林伯格 MS, PT, KEMG




迈克尔·奥哈拉 MSW, LCSW

UCLA Field Instructor Center for 脑瘫



洛雷塔一. 学生PT, MS

研究 物理治疗师



安迪Vuong, Motion Analysis engineer

Motion Analysis engineer




呼叫 424-259-6593 要求预约皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康中心的脑瘫专家.


我们关心 for patients with cerebral palsy in all life stages. To learn more about cerebral palsy treatment at 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康, call 424-259-6593.